Friday Mar 21, 2025

Gospel Bearers Ignoring Barriers: Building the Church

Many women in the Millerite Movement had eagerly hoped for Christ to come on October 22, 1844.  They had dedicated their time, energy and resources to spread the good news of Christ's soon return through print and by mouth. But what happened after Christ didn’t return on October 22, 1844?

Did women return home to be the “angels of the household”?

Or did they play a role in the formation of the churches that came out of the Millerite Movement, shaping the landscape of American Christianity forever?

Guests: Dr. Cindy Tutsch, Author and retired Associate Director of the Ellen White Estate. Dr. Michael Campbell, Director of Archives, Statistics and Research at the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Celeste Ryan Blyden is the Executive Secretary for the Columbia Union. 

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This episode mentions Mary Frances Maxon, Annie Rebekah Smith,  Adelia Patton Van Horn, Minnie Sipe, Sarah Lindsey,  Martha Byington Amadon,  Maude Sisely Boyd,  Ai Araki, and Ellen White.


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